diagnositik agar situs lebih cocok dengan Google

diagnositik agar situs lebih cocok dengan Google langsung saja ga perlu panjang lebar pengenai penjelasan untuk kategori kali ini yaitu diagnositik agar situs Anda lebih cocok dengan Google ya jalan terbaik daftarkan blog atau web anda di Google atau web mastertoll google 

If you have multiple websites, you can simplify the process of creating and submitting Sitemaps by creating one or more Sitemaps that includes URLs for all your verified sites, and saving the Sitemap(s) to a single location. All sites must be verified in Webmaster Tools. You can choose to use:
  • A single Sitemap that includes URLs for multiple websites, including sites from different domains. For example, the Sitemap located at http://host1.example.com/sitemap.xml can include URLs for the following sites:
    • http://host1.example.com
    • http://host2.example.com
    • http://host3.example.com
    • http://host1.example1.com
    • http://host1.example.ch
  • Individual Sitemaps (one for each site) that all reside in a single location. For example:
    • http://host1.example.com/host1-example-sitemap.xml
    • http://host1.example.com/host2-example-sitemap.xml
    • http://host1.example.com/host3-example-sitemap.xml
    • http://host1.example.com/host1-example1-sitemap.xml
    • http://host1.example.com/host1-example-ch-sitemap.xml
This process implicitly proves to Google that you own all the sites involved. Cross-site submissions will work only if all sites have been verified in Webmaster Tools.
To host cross-site Sitemaps in a single location:
  1. Make sure that you have verified ownership of all sites.
  2. Create a Sitemap that includes URLs from all the sites that you want to cover. You can create a single Sitemap that includes URLs from all sites or you can create one or more separate Sitemaps for each site.
  3. Using Google Webmaster Tools, submit your Sitemap(s).

Including your Sitemap location in your robots.txt file

To tell search engines about the location of your Sitemap, include the following line in your robots.txt file (updating with your own path and filename):
sitemap: http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml


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